Arcturus Audio
hand made and expertly engineered audio

Introducing the new Duo mono amplifiers proudly made in the USA.
These are push-pull 45 amplifiers providing approximately six watts
of real triode power for an extremely clean sound. The amplifiers are transformer coupled from
input to output and feature ISO power and output transformers and choke, and Lundahl iron under
the chassis. Inputs are high quality RCA jacks or true balanced input, your choice.
The tube compliment includes a pair of Type 45 triode output tubes (anything from vintage to modern
Emission Labs), a type 53 driver tube and an 80 or 274A rectifier.

The chassis is 1/8" brushed and anodized aluminum made in Texas by Landfall Systems.
Those guys do a great job! These amplifiers have a small footprint at only 7.5" x 14" and they
weigh only about 20 pounds. These amplifiers are compact enough to place on top of your speakers.

Here you see the rear panel featuring a filtered IEC input for the 120 volt line cord, power switch,
a 1.5A fuse, the speaker connectors (8 ohm impedance, optional 16 ohm), and the
RCA and balanced input jacks.

Here's a shot showing the amplifier sitting atop a Klipsch La Scala speaker for scale.
Due to the output power, we recommend efficient speakers such as these. You'll love the sound!
Price is $10,000 for the pair including Emission Labs 45 mesh output tubes and 274A rectifier as well a
vintage Type 53 driver tube.

Introducing the new 316A triode amplifier from
Arcturus Audio.
This amplifier uses the unusual and interesting 316A / VT-191 vacuum
developed for transmitting and
radar service in the 1940s. It is a versatile amplifier with
headphone outputs as well as selectable
8 or 16 ohm speaker outputs with a muting switch. It has a
preamp output as well, for connection to a
subwoofer, and four stereo input channels. The gain is
adjustable in
three levels via a switch
on the chassis. There is a meter to adjust and monitor the
current through the 316A
The amplifier produces about 5 watts per channel with very low
Price is $7995 - In Stock

801-A / VT-62

Introducing the new 801-A triode amplifier from
Arcturus Audio.
This amplifier uses the vintage 801-A / VT-62 transmitting tube. It is similar to the 316A amplifier
in that the driver circuitry is identical, providing the
headphone outputs as well as selectable
8 or 16 ohm speaker outputs with a muting switch.
It has a
preamp output as well, for connection to a
subwoofer, and four stereo input channels. The gain is
adjustable in
three levels via a switch
on the chassis. There is a meter to adjust and monitor the
current through the 801-A
The amplifier produces about 5 watts per channel with very low
Price: $7,995 - in stock.
Elysium Headphone Amplifier
Introducing the Elysium headphone amplifier.
It accepts balanced, 1/4” RCA and “mini” jack headphones. No input tube!
Input transformers connect directly to EML triode output tubes.
regulated power supply via 2 VR-150 regulator tubes.
High quality DACT
100K ohm volume control. 3 high level inputs.
Pure silver
wiring in key signal areas.
Yamamoto gold plated tube sockets.
Quality Lundahl input transformers and “C Core” output transformers.
Highly polished American Walnut end panels.
Other types of wood panels
available on request.
Price as shown..$4,995.00

This is the 101D Line Preamplifier, built for a client. It
uses mercury vapor rectifiers and antique
Western Electric 101D vacuum tubes. This is a low-gain preamp
providing about 2.5 dB of gain.
It has a high-end volume control and four selectable inputs.
It has meters to
monitor the DC supply voltage and
the current through the 101D tubes. The wood side
panels are antique rosewood, as requested by the client, hand finished
to a high sheen.
Price $10,995 - Special Order

Arcturus Audio will be happy to entertain custom commissions
for individuals, just as
you see above. Tell us what you want, we'll tell you what we
can do for you.
Some comments from a satisfied customer:
"Wanted to let you know that the preamp is up and running. Wife
factor is real all I can say is good job! The sound is mellowing out
and I'll be in touch
with you to let you know how it's sounding in a few
days-new speaker
cables and some new upgraded interconnects.”
really like the umbilical cord you installed in the preamp. It's very
and very
impressive. My wife, and I, love the (side panels) woodwork on
preamp. It's very becoming and an attention getter.”
that's it for now. I'm going to listen to some good music. Thanks again, and tell
group they built a
good preamp and we are very happy.”
Bill J.
Arcturus Audio
© 2025